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Technical Event
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Civil



26.04.2025 (11.00 AM - 12.00 PM)

Staff Coordinator:

Mr.V.Sre Adethya AP/Civil

Student Coordinator - 1:

Mr.Premkumar (III-CIVIL) - 8870451853

Student Coordinator - 2:

Mr.Dhinahar (III-CIVIL) - 8695009706


Draftrix aims at finding your inner talent of unique thinking and helps to plot thoughts using AutoCAD software.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. The competition is open to all students pursuing civil engineering courses from recognized institutions
  2. Participants should have basic knowledge of the Auto Cad software before the contest
  3. Participants will draft a plan using specifications given by organizers
  4. Participants will be given a specific amount of time to complete the drawing as per the guidelines provided by the organizers
  5. The drawings will be judged based on accuracy, completeness, clarity, and overall presentation