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Non - Technical Event
Alter The Faulter
99 per person
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

LH-51 Main Block behind Mech Department


27.04.2024 (10.00 AM - 12.00 PM)

Staff Coordinator:

Mrs. Hemavathi

Student Coordinator - 1:

Mugesh Ram Sundar (II-AIML) - 9566744507

Student Coordinator - 2:

Sidharth (II-AIML) - 9488381630


*Be ready to be be 'aMazed' in this mind bending and thought provoking maze solver. * Do you have the awareness the thinking and most importantly the trust of your teammates to believe you in your ‘ways’ as you go through the path will you lead your team to victory or drag them down, are you as smart as you think you are or is it just a facade and when time call you will you “Alter the Faulter” or become the Faulter. OfCourse with alot of fun.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Team Participation : At least 3 members
  2. Goal is to reach the destination
  3. By turns Players make moves
  4. Players Move through the maze where they don't know what is where
  5. The succeeding(next player) player must make all the moves by their predecessors accurately
  6. Learn the environment which has it's own boon and banes to achieve victory.
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